Here’s another good news to share!
Our students from the APU Faculty of Computing, Engineering & Technology (FCET) recently made their name at the first GreenTech Youth Innovation Challenge 2016, which was organised by GreenTech Malaysia, an organization under the purview of the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA), and Asia School of Business, in conjunction with the International Greentech & Eco Products Exhibition & Conference Malaysia (IGEM) 2016.
Throughout the competition, our team of students, comprising Ngie Kok Sin, John Lim Hong Aun, Lee Jun On and Chan Kar Keng went through 5 stages of challenges, in which they were required to develop a prototype of a product that addresses the world’s environmental sustainability issues. Our students developed the “Intelligent Room System”, which made use of Arduino Nano, Motion & Light Sensors and Solid-state Relay to automate the switch of lights to save electricity.
Eventually, green technology is the future and we are glad that our students are exposed to it prior to their graduation. Congratulations to the team, who was mentored by Vickneswari Durairajah & Suresh Gobee, for this awesome achievement!