On November 18, 2015 (Wednesday), VMware Inc (NYSE: VMW), the global leader in cloud infrastructure and business mobility, announced a collaboration with Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) by signing an Memorandum of Agreement (MoA). The collaboration will enable students with the right knowledge and skills on virtualization and cloud technologies as part of APU and VMware’s commitment in developing relevant skillsets to support Malaysia’s growing digital economy.
The MoA was signed by Prof. Dr. Andy Seddon (Dean, Quality Assurance and Partnership, APU) and Mr. Laurence Si (Country Manager, VMWare Malaysia) at One World Hotel in conjunction with VMware vForum event which, IT professionals engage with experts and learn about the latest technologies, tips, and trends in the Information Technology.

As a result of this MoA, the APU-VMware collaboration will include the following provisions to staff and students, and more:
- The creation of a Center of Excellence, known as the VMware Cloud Innovation Centre, where VMware software-defined datacentre and cloud solutions will be hosted on the APU campus, providing staff and students the platform for training, talent development, research and development and proof of concept initiatives. APU will also have access to materials and tools created by VMware engineers via the VMware IT Academy Program resources and VMware Laboratory. Training modules and activities will include webinars, technical deep-dive discussions.
- Leveraging VMware’s expertise in enabling businesses in Malaysia in today’s mobile-cloud era, VMware will collaborate with APU to jointly develop relevant APU-VMware elective or specialization module(s) in emerging technologies, such as cloud computing, software defined networks and software-defined datacentres. Joint APU-VMware Industrial Certification will also be provided to successful students upon elective module(s) completion.
- VMware will provide a 70 percent discount off VMware Certified Professional Certification examination fees for eligible APU full-time students as prescribed under the VMware IT Academy Program.
- VMware will also sponsor awards for outstanding APU students and/or graduates who have completed the training and gained VMware Certified Professional (VCP) and Associate (VCA) certifications.
- APU will appoint VMware Student Ambassadors to lead university activities to raise students’ awareness of the VMware IT Academy Program, VCA and VCP Certifications, and virtualization and cloud computing technologies.
As a part of its commitment in developing Malaysia’s next-generation workforce, VMware will be also be providing internship opportunities, providing on-the-job training for students to gain relevant work experience and witness technology in action.