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News & Happenings (2024)

APU Team “STEMfinity” Excels in TCS Sustainathon Malaysia 2024
(L-R) Chin Pei Yueh, Kwan Jun Er, Tan Tze Ying, and Ms Chong Mien May (Lecturer, School of Computing at APU). Amelia Sow Jing Yi, another team member, is absent from the photo.Kwan (Team...
Triumph in Technical Analysis
APU Students Shine in the CMT Investment Challenge ​In the fast-paced world of finance, where strategic acumen meets market volatility, two students from the Asia Pacific University of...
APU Team “roadto15k” Emerges as Champions at Varsity Hackathon 2024
The roadto15k team from Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) has secured the coveted title of champions at the Varsity Hackathon 2024, organised by the Computer...
Allianz Malaysia Enlightens APU Actuarial Science Club on in-demand Actuarial Careers
The Actuarial Science Club (ASC) at Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) organised a successful career path talk titled “Charting Your Career Path: Insights into...
BDO Malaysia Visit Sparks Career Inspiration for APU Accounting & Finance Students
A group of 40 students from Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) pursuing Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Honours) programme recently embarked on an enriching...
Day of Discovery: APU Unveils the World of Cyber Security to SMK St. Dominic Students
Students from SMK St. Dominic were introduced to the world of cyber security and digital forensics through lessons on capture the flag (CTF) and scenario-based games, enhancing their...
A Transformative Journey Empowering Refugee Students Through Digital Literacy
On April 26th, a remarkable transformation unfolded within the walls of Elshaddai Refugee School as teenagers embarked on a journey of digital literacy. Organised by APU's School of...
New Yet Fearless
APU Frisbee Club Champions at Inter-University TournamentFrisbee, a dynamic sport combining elements from soccer and basketball, has a rich history dating back to its origins in the 1960s at...
Sun, Sand, and Social Impact: Promoting Sustainability Principles and Environmental Awareness Amongst Rumah Shalom Youths
‘Ocean Guardians’ is a day filled with laughter, teamwork, and making a positive impact, as APU students and youths from Rumah Shalom Orphanage join forces to work towards a sustainable...
SkyJu1c3 Dominates the Wicked6 Global Women’s Cyber League Game 2024
Chang Shiau Huei, Yeo Jia Qi, and Hong Yen Wai, the brilliant minds behind SkyJu1c3, masterminded an unexpected double victory, dominated the Hack the Box Hacking Battlegrounds (HTB)...
